Monday, August 30, 2010

And so it begins...

It's another Monday here in the Crazycakes house.  What shall we do today?  Make a grocery list, possibly even get to the grocery store, finish washing the towels in the hallway, change the bedding, empty and re-load the dishwasher??  Oh, which ever shall I do 1st??  All of these choices are so super awesome, I just can't wait to begin.

P, the 4 year old, is currently *organizing* all her DVD's that have no home right now into cases that they may or may not belong to.   

P: "MOM!  I found it!  The Little People DVD.  Now, what is this called again?" 

Me: "Um...The Little People?!"

P: " YES!" (as she shakes her fist in triumph)

Sid the Science Kid plays in the background, and if I dare try and change the channel back to the morning news, "HEY!  I was watching that!!"  gets shouted out, along with the hands on the hips, a scrunched up nose, and evil eyes glaring from across the room. 

We had a meeting at P's pre-school yesterday, meet the teacher and take in the supplies for the year.  Upon walking in my husband and I see her teachers from last year and the 1st thing they tell her current teachers for this year is that P is the "Single Ladies" girl.  It seems that this was her song of choice last year at school.  You see, there are no "kiddie" tunes in the Crazycakes mobile.  Nope, all top 40.  Appropriate?  At times, not at all.  Makes for great entertainment?  Oh, you betcha!

Time to go be a productive member of the house today. 

Enjoy your Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog!! :) Am I your very first comment?? What an honor!
