Tuesday, October 26, 2010

1st Place Cupcake!

There was a Halloween party & costume contest Sunday at Peyton's pre-school.  Cost of admission was a bag of candy, so needless to say this was my kind of party!  There was a costume contest for babies on up to the big kids, and that costume right there, took 1st place among the 3&4 year olds.  I really need to thank my friend Stephanie who was adamant that Peyton be a cupcake!  Well, Stephanie and Pottery Barn Kids.  There were blow up bouncy houses, a sinking ship blow up slide that was REALLY fast, witches hat ring toss, make your own life size pixie stick, and this the simplest game ever:

Balloons and a paper plate taped to a ruler.  She would have stayed here all day if we let her.  There was other things to see and do though.  We met up with our neighbor Tinkerbell, I mean, Lily:

The last activity of the day was scratching out a face and belly button on this spider at Miss Karen's art table:

After dinner it was carve the pumpkin time.  Normally this is a neighborhood activity, but we had a family birthday party the night the other houses did pumpkins. 

Peyton had fallen asleep in the truck the night we came home from the birthday party, and I was hoping to get her in the house before she noticed that the neighbors were doing pumpkins.  It was 9:00, she was going on no nap, recovering from a cold, and just plain needed to go to bed.  Well, guess who saw the neighbors gathered in the garage next door and pumpkins on the tables?  

The mini-version of the meltdown went something like this:

P: "I want to go to Lily's and do my pumpkin."

Me: "Not tonight. We'll do yours another night."

P: "But I don't ever get to do my pumpkin!  I waited all summer to do my pumpkin!  You never let me do my pumpkin!" <said in her best drawn out whiny over dramatic voice>

Me: <making mental notes to not forget this conversation> 

So Peyton and Dug did her pumpkin after the party at her pre-school and all is right in her world again.

Well, it was right until she asked for a candle to put inside and I didn't have any tea lights on hand.  Whoopsies.  Forgive me for not remembering the tea-lights, but Halloween just isn't my holiday.  The best part of Halloween for me is that Christmas season and music start the day after.  Technically it starts at 7:00pm Halloween night if you ask my mom, because that is when Trick-or-Treating is over.

But back to the holiday at hand...Peyton also got to wear her cupcake costume to dance class Monday night and she had fun with that.  It is not a ballet movement or car-riding friendly costume, so I bet she had to work really hard that night at dance and when I put it on her Sunday before we left:

P: "Um, how am I supposed to sit in my seat in this thing? Cause it's not very bendy like this thing, so how does that work?"   

Me: "Well, you'll put it back on once we get to the school."

P: "Oh, alright, that's cool."

My oven timer is ringing and I have Halloween cupcakes to finish for my sister, frosting and sprinkles await!

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