Saturday, October 16, 2010

A 4 year old, a marker, and a LOT of cupcakes...

Can never be a good combination.  I found this out on Thursday morning.  Right about the time I was going to put Peyton in the shower to get her ready for school, I happen to notice a light green circle/square on the carpet.  My 1st thought was "Why is there Easter grass out and on the carpet?"  Peyton also happens to be standing in the middle of said circle/square on the carpet.  Upon further review of the situation, I realize that it is not Easter grass, but marker.  And it was green marker at that.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Green marker. 

This is the carpet after 2 rounds of carpet cleaner. 
Had I not been so livid, I would have gotten a picture before Dug tried to clean it.
We won't go into what my 2nd thought on this was, but the swear jar at my sister's house would be about $5 richer, maybe more.  She might charge more for the worse the word gets.  And know that it was not a pretty sight here at 812 for about the last 25 min before we left for school.  But also know that "Precious" was sprung early for good behavior that day, and her playroom escaped a day long lock down about 45min before bedtime that night. 

Of course now that my parent's are grandparents they see the humor and find the above situation charming and funny.  "It's just carpet Michelle" says my dad yesterday with a smile on his face.  "Well then how about I give her some markers and let her color on your carpet dad?"  He did not think that was so funny.  My mom said she could go color on the carpet upstairs, but it is so dark & brown that nobody would even notice it. 

You might be asking how the cupcakes factor into this.  I had an order for a wedding reception this weekend for 144 cupcakes and a small cake to go with it.  Needless to say I have been a wee bit more busy than I normally am, and followed on the heels of my sister's wedding the week before, I think someone just wanted & needed some attention. 

I could probably think of a few other less destructive ways to go about getting your parent's attention, but as crazycakes as things have been here the past few weeks, it does start to slow down just a little heading into Halloween.   And what is Peyton going to be for Halloween you ask??  A cupcake of course! 

And speaking of cupcakes, I have an order to finish for later today.  Pumpkin Farm pics to follow soon!

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