Monday, May 16, 2011

Good-Bye Preschool!

This was her 1st day of 3 year old preschool:

This was her 1st day of 4 year old preschool.  A bit older, wiser, and a whole lot sassier:

And last Friday she graduated!  A good 7 inches taller, 7 lbs heavier, and a heck of a lot smarter than when we first sent her in 2 years ago.  

She really did have a great preschool experience.  5 outstanding teachers, a wonderful director, numerous new friendships, for Peyton as well as me, and I can't believe how quickly it went by.  For picking a school based on the closeness to my house...WINNER!

Wasn't it just yesterday that I walked her into the building to room 5 with  Miss Tammy & Miss Charlene?  All set to learn how to be a part of something bigger than her?  Learning to share, work together, make friends, all the while learning shapes, letters & colors along the way? 

Then this past fall, into room 3 with Miss Becky, Miss Karen, & Miss Velari?  In September she could only make scratches on a paper to signify her name.  Now she can write it, and writes it well too.  There is also the knowledge of learning to spell words and read some of those words. And as for numbers?  Well, early signs show that she will be a whole better off than her mother in this area!  The running joke in the family is that my sisters got the math genes, I got Levi's.

It is off to Kindergarten in August, roughly 96 days, not that I am counting!  Her new backpack and lunch box from the Easter Bunny are in her closet awaiting the 1st day of school and talks have already begun over what she will wear on that 1st day as well.  I think the thing she is most thrilled about is that her lunch box "attaches for going to school then *untaches* for when you go to lunch." 

Until school starts there are swim lessons, camp sessions, a 5th birthday that will be Disney Princess themed, and a dance recital to enjoy.  Be sure to not forget about going to the pool in her cousin's neighborhood.  Talk about chomping at the bit, jeepers!  "Make sure you pack my suit, arm floaters, my sum scream, and my hip hops."  The pool does not open for another 3 weeks and this is the Chicagoland area.  It could be another 6 weeks before the weather cooperates to use the pool.

"She couldn't be lovelier, We couldn't be luckier, I Couldn't be happier...Thank Goodness for today!"

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