Friday, September 3, 2010

1st soccer practice...

God Bless coaches of 4 & 5 year olds. 

No matter the sport/activity. 

Talk about trying to herd cats. 

After the initial get to know your teammates circle time, Coach Eric had them go sideline to sideline in a side-step shuffle move.  Hilarious.  Only 1 kid bit it (guess who?!?).  But she got right back up and continued on, this being as Dug, sitting next to me, sees her go down and says "Ohhhh, sniper got her!"  No tears, she even avoided the mud somehow.   Because being the ultimate genius that I am, bought her white soccer socks AND sent her to practice in a white shirt.  Have I not played sports long enough to know that white is the worst uniform color available?  Did I not hear or see the rain that fell overnight and into the next morning?!?  Sheer brilliance at work here folks.  Sheer brilliance.

Coach Eric also asked the kids to come up with a team name, they went around the circle giving ideas, when it was Peyton's turn she said "The Cubs!"  That's my girl!   

They did sprints too, she wasn't the fastest, but she wasn't the lastest!  There was running along the white sideline of the field, all the way around.  Being the literal person she is, not only stayed on the white line, but made sure she turned each corner at a 90 degree angle onto the next line. 

All in all, it was a good practice. 

This will for sure make for fantastic Saturday entertainment for the next 8 weeks!

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. WOOHOOO for P! YAY on not being the lastest! Freakin adorable... as always!

  2. Anon #2 is me. Lolli. :o)
