Little Miss I Don't Need a Nap Today, is a crumbling hot mess by dinner time tonight. Add to that she is fighting a cold this week, and well, the meltdowns are epic. Like Hollywood blockbuster epic. The girl deserves an Oscar for her episodes lately.
Meltdown #1- Wipes her face with her shirt because her nose is running. She loses it because "It HURTS!" WAAAHHHH...
Meltdown #1.5 or 2 (you decide)- While still in meltdown 1.5 or 2, she bumps her knee that she scraped the other night playing outside. This causes further wailing and limping to go to the bathroom.
She gets back to the table and proceeds to eat a bit of her dinner. More playing with her dinner actually, and the beaded necklace on the floor and spinning her cup in circles on the table, yeah, cause that won't end badly. At. All.
Meltdown #3- Probably over being told she wasn't going to be allowed back outside if she didn't eat her dinner. This gets her sent to her room until she can decide to eat her dinner.
Meltdown #4- So she gets it together to come back down, I can't even tell you what sets her off this time. Back upstairs she goes.
When she returns to the table for the final time, she sits at her chair, calm as a cucumber and strikes a pose as though she is an Egyptian, like in the video from the song. And she sits there, staring into space, one hand out in front, the other out in back of her. Not moving an inch. Doug and I are looking at each other like "WHT?!? is going on here?" look back at her, back at each other and she finally says:
"It's funny right?!?"
She then goes on to eat the rest of her dinner as though the previous 15 minutes NEVER HAPPENED!
And just like that it was over. Like a switch had been flipped. I am laughing so hard there are tears, Doug is still a bit baffled at the whole thing, and she is pleasant as ever across the table.
Good thing I have wine chilling in the fridge...
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